sl(2 r)
sl(2 r)

Inmathematics,thespeciallineargroupSL(2,R)orSL2(R)isthegroupof2×2realmatriceswithdeterminantone:SL(2,R)={(abcd):a ...Descriptions·Classificationofelements·IwasawaorKANdecomposition,Thisarticleisaboutaparticulargroup,i.e.,agroupuniqueuptoisomorphi...


SL2(R)givesthestudentanintroductiontotheinfinitedimensionalrepresentationtheoryofsemisimpleLiegroupsbyconcentratingononeexample-SL2(R) ...

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In mathematics, the special linear group SL(2, R) or SL2(R) is the group of 2 × 2 real matrices with determinant one: SL ( 2 , R ) = { ( a b c d ) : a ... Descriptions · Classification of elements · Iwasawa or KAN decomposition

Special linear group:SL(2,R) - Groupprops

This article is about a particular group, i.e., a group unique upto isomorphism. View specific information (such as linear representation ...

[PDF] DECOMPOSING SL 2(R) 1. Introduction The group SL2(R) is not ...

We have a decomposition SL2(R) = KAN: every g ∈ SL2(R) has a unique representation as g = kan where k ∈ K, a ∈ A, and n ∈ N. This formula SL2(R) = KAN is called ...


SL2(R) gives the student an introduction to the infinite dimensional representation theory of semisimple Lie groups by concentrating on one example - SL2(R) ...

Centre of the special linear group $SL_2(mathbb R)$ or $SL(2 ...

A matrix M is in the centre iff MA=AM for all elements A of SL2(R). This means that MA′=A′M for all A′ in the linear span of elements of ...

[PDF] Geometry and analysis of SL(2,R)

We note that SL(2,R) is a subgroup and submanifold of SL(2,C). (viewed as a real Lie group). 2 Fractional linear transformations. The group SL(2,C) acts on C2 ...

Automorphic Forms on Sl2 (R)

書名:Automorphic Forms on Sl2 (R),語言:英文,ISBN:9780521072120,頁數:208,作者:Borel, Armand,出版日期:2008/08/14,類別:自然科普.

Automorphic Forms on SL2 (R)

This book provides an introduction to some aspects of the analytic theory of automorphic forms on G=SL2(R) or the upper-half plane X, with respect to a ...


書名:SL2(R),ISBN:9781461295815,出版社:Springer-Verlag New York Inc.,作者:S. Lang,頁數:431,出版日期:2011/10/01.


SL2(ℝ) 編輯 ... 它是一個三維李群,在幾何、拓撲、表示論及物理中有重要應用. 與 SL₂(ℝ) 密切相關的是射影線性群 PSL₂(ℝ)。這是將 SL₂(ℝ) 中每個元素與它的負元素等同得到的 ...


Inmathematics,thespeciallineargroupSL(2,R)orSL2(R)isthegroupof2×2realmatriceswithdeterminantone:SL(2,R)={(abcd):a ...Descriptions·Classificationofelements·IwasawaorKANdecomposition,Thisarticleisaboutaparticulargroup,i.e.,agroupuniqueuptoisomorphism.Viewspecificinformation(suchaslinearrepresentation ...,WehaveadecompositionSL2(R)=KAN:everyg∈SL2(R)hasauniquerepresentationasg=kanwherek∈K,a∈A,andn...